Message Of The Day

Message of the Day

Basic server rules:

  1. Do not RDM.
  2. Do not RDA.
  3. Do not break NLR.
  4. Do not FailRP.
  5. RDR/CDM is not allowed.
  6. Do not FearRP.
  7. Do Not use vote demote while staff are online.
  8. Do not minge or troll.
  9. Do not hack or use anything that gives you an advantage over other players.
  10. Any form of DDOS threat is immediately bannable, doesn’t matter if it’s in game or outside of the game. (I wouldn’t recommend making jokes about DDOSing the server either)
  11. Do not be racist.
  12. Do not chat spam.
  13. Do not disrespect any player or staff.
  14. Do not impersonate staff members.
  15. Don’t prop minge (includes prop block, prop surf, prop climb, blocking cameras, etc.).
  16. Do not job abuse (ex: buying a gun as gun dealer then switching to a different job, knocking someone out as kidnapper just to get their guns).
  17. Staff word is final.
  18. Do not argue in Out Of Character chat.
  19. Do not fading door abuse.
  20. No Meta-Gaming.
  21. Do not repeatedly place hits on the same person.
  22. Toll booths are allowed, as long as there is an alternate route to reach the destination. (Hobos)
  23. Raiding toll booths is allowed.
  24. Mercenaries must advert Hit accepted and for how much they were paid.
  25. You can not “Party avenge” in a KOS area.

Base Rules

  1. Maximum of 4 fading doors in any type of base.
  2. Do not use your fading door key if you are being raided. You are allowed to use the fading door key as long as no one called raid on your base.
  3. To build in a base you must own the front door.
  4. You are only allowed to have 1 base, if you own a door that is not in your base then you will have to sell it.
  5. No one-way walls.
  6. No crouch bases.
  7. No jump bases.
  8. You are allowed to place a building sign to avoid being raided while building. However building signs are only allowed to be up for 15 minutes.
  9. You are not allowed to have printers while your building sign is up.
  10. Keypads must have a 4 second hold time.
  11. The numbers, Abort and the ok button must be visible.
  12. No fake keypads.
  13. No kill boxes.
  14. Mega basing is allowed as long as you have a party with 4 or more people.
  15. To mega base you must own all doors inside the base.
  16. You must have a KOS sign on your base for you to kill someone inside your base. If not you will need to warn them 3 times to get out.
  17. If you are basing with someone then you must be in a party or be sharing the doors.

Raiding Rules

  1. Do not raid a base with a building sign. (See base rule 8)
  2. You must advert raid. Make sure your job allows raiding.
  3. Anyone inside the base or very close to the base being raided is automatically KOS to the raiders.
  4. Do not spawn props in other people’s bases.
  5. If you are able to enter someone’s base without lock picking or keypad cracking then you are allowed to advert raid inside that person’s base.
  6. Raiding off of sound is allowed.
  7. Meta-Gaming to find out more information on bases is not allowed.
  8. You cannot take over their base after raiding. Take their stuff and leave.
  9. You have 10 minutes to finish the raid after you started it.
  10. You must call over once the raid is finished (if you die or it’s successful).
  11. If you advert PD Takeover you must do it within 5 minutes after you advert PD Raid. PD Takeover lasts 10 minutes.
  12. As soon as you start lockpicking you must call raid.
  13. Do not stack fading doors on top of each other.
  14. Spies can raid from inside a base

Adverts and Cooldowns

  1. Make sure you wait your cooldowns before doing the same action again.
  2. You must advert actions before performing them.
  3. Multi-binds are not allowed if the advert contains different RP actions (ex: /advert Raid/Terror/Mug/Carjack/Rape is not allowed)
  4. Steal cooldown is 2 minutes.
  5. Anarchy cooldown is 10 minutes.
  6. Assasinate cooldown is 10 minutes.
  7. Carjack cooldown is 10 minutes (and you can only hold someone’s car for 10 minutes).
  8. Raid cooldown is 5 minutes. You cannot raid the same base for 15 minutes.
  9. Kidnap cooldown is 5 minutes.
  10. Rape cooldown is 5 minutes.
  11. PD Takeovers/raids are the same as the raid cooldown (15 minutes).
  12. Mug cooldown is 5 minutes.
  13. Terror cooldown is 10 minutes
  14. NLR cooldown is 3 minutes
  15. If you are adverting warns then you must wait at least 3 seconds between each warn. After the third warn is adverted, you can kill the person you are warning.
  16. Do not warn people who have their backs to you or who do not know they are being warned.

Gun dealer rules

  1. Gun dealers must have a shop to sell weapons. Black Market Dealers do not need a shop.
  2. Don’t try and scam people saying the gun costs more than it really does.
  3. Gun dealers and black market dealers can only self-supply themselves with 1 gun. Does not need to be a pistol.

Rapist rules

  1. You must advert rape.
  2. You can only rape in dark alleyways or inside homes.
  3. You are not allowed to rape out in the open or it is FailRP.

Kidnapper rules

  1. Running away from a kidnapper after you were knocked out is FailRP. You must follow all of the kidnapper’s commands until 10 minutes is up or they let you go.
  2. You can only keep someone kidnapped for 10 minutes
  3. You must advert kidnap.
  4. You may kill your victims if they do not give you their bail money.
  5. Max bail is 10K.
  6. You may not suicide to get out of a kidnapping.

CP rules

  1. During a bank raid, all CP must defend the bank vault.
  2. SWAT/CP must have an accurate source to raid a base, Spies can sell out true information.
  3. You are allowed to buy gun licenses from CP if there is no mayor.
  4. Max cost for a gun license is 10K.
  5. Do not use OOC information to arrest people.
  6. Do not RDA.
  7. CP are allowed to break NLR if the bank vault is being raided.

Default laws

  1. Graffiti is illegal.
  2. Drugs and printers are illegal.
  3. Murder is illegal.
  4. If a CP see’s you with weapons out without a license then it is AOS. Unless it is in self defense.
  5. AOS past 2nd door in PD. 
  6. Any criminal activity is illegal. (kidnapping, raiding, etc)

Staff Rules

  1. Do not use staff commands off duty.
  2. Do not abuse your powers.
  3. Always check logs by doing /logs.
  4. Do not take admin calls off duty.
  5. Do not abuse your Phys gun.
  6. Do not beg for promotions
  7. If you do not know what to do in a situation, then ask a higher up for their input.
  8. Do not warn other staff members.
